Hazardous Waste Disposal

Nebraska does not have a statewide waste/excess pesticide disposal program. Household hazardous waste disposal facilities typically do not accept commercial or agricultural pesticides. Currently, your two options for disposing of waste/excess commercial or agricultural pesticides are:

  1. Hold onto the pesticides and hope that Nebraska will have a disposal program in the future; or
  2. Pay for disposal yourself.

If you choose to hold onto the pesticides, you should periodically monitor their containers for leaks and store them in a cool, dry place where flooding is unlikely. Pesticides should be stored under lock and key. If you choose to pay for disposal, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy provides a list of several commercial firms you can consult about the transport, storage, and/or disposal of waste/excess pesticides. See below for details.

Nebraska Waste and Recycling Information

NDEE Waste Service Providers Directory: A PDF directory of waste service providers compiled by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy.

Nebraska Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events/Facilities: This directory is provided as a service to Nebraskans seeking to dispose of outdated, unusable, or unwanted pesticides and other types of household hazardous waste. Most do not accept commercial or agricultural pesticides.

Nebraska Recycling Guide: Find a recycler by searching for the material you want to recycle.

Keep Nebraska Beautiful: Find information on how to properly dispose of various household hazardous wastes. Contact your local Keep America Beautiful System affiliate or Extension office for dates or drop-off sites in your community.

Earth911.com: Use this database to find recycling facilities and opportunities near you.

County Hazardous Waste Collections

Douglas/Sarpy Counties Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility: Accepts household hazardous waste. Does not accept commercial waste, tires, appliances, or electronics.

Lincoln/Lancaster County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events/Facilities: For disposal of outdated, unusable, or unwanted pesticides and other types of household hazardous waste. Serves the Lincoln/Lancaster County area.

Grand Island Area Clean Community System: Recycling, household hazardous waste collection, neighborhood cleanups, litter education, etc.

Know of other hazardous waste collection facilities or events in your area? Let us know: pested@unl.edu