Private Applicator Training and Certification

Private Applicator: A licensed applicator who uses any restricted-use pesticide (RUP) for the purpose of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him/her or his/her employer. Also includes any person applying restricted-use pesticides on the property of another person without compensation (other than the trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities).

Licensing of Private Applicators

The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) issues private applicator licenses. The general process for acquiring a private license in Nebraska is as follows:

  1. An individual becomes certified (or if their existing license is expiring, becomes recertified).
  2. The NDA receives the individual's (re)certification form and mails them a postcard requesting payment of the $25 private applicator licensing fee.
  3. The individual pays the $25 licensing fee online or by mail.
  4. The NDA mails the license, which is valid for three years, to the individual.

To obtain a private applicator license, you must first become certified. To renew an existing license, you must first recertify before the license expires. You can certify or recertify as a private applicator in one of several ways (see below).

Limitations of a Private Applicator License

A standard private applicator license does not entitle you to:

  • apply RUP fumigants, or
  • apply RUPs from an aircraft or drone.

Please see the Additional Certifications section below to learn how to become certified to conduct these types of applications.

Options for Private Applicator Certification/Recertification

In-person training

2025 in-person training sessions If you don’t see trainings in your area, check back, dates are added daily.

Online training

Private applicators can certify or recertify by completing one of our online private self-study programs. These courses are open all year. However, once you begin a course, you must complete it by December 31 to receive certification credit and avoid paying a new registration fee. 

Online training help

Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics

Nebraska Extension's Crop Production Clinics take place in January. Private applicators can certify or recertify by attending one of these full-day programs.

Private applicator exam

Private applicators have the option to certify or recertify by passing a private applicator exam. The NDA offers walk-in exam sessions throughout the year. Find an exam session near you.

Additional Certifications

RUP fumigant certification


Initial Fumigation Certification

A licensed private applicator may become certified to apply RUP fumigants by passing one or both commercial fumigation category exams, depending on the site(s) to which they plan to apply the fumigants:

  • Soil Fumigation (01A): Soil fumigant applications to protect agricultural commodities from soil-borne pests. Does NOT include fumigant applications to rodent burrows for the control of rodent pests.
  • Non-Soil and Structural Fumigation (11): Restricted-use pesticide applications made using fumigants in gaseous or solid form, within enclosed gas-tight spaces such as tents, stacks, structures, vehicles, or vessels for a variety of conditions and commodities, including raw agricultural products. Includes fumigant applications to rodent burrows for the control of pests such as prairie dogs.

To take one or both of these exams, you can either:

We strongly encourage you to prepare for your exam(s) before attempting it. Study materials are available.


Renewing Your Category 01A Certification

To renew the Category 01A certification on your private license, you must retake and pass the category exam (see above). You must also complete in-person or online private applicator training to renew your standard private certification.


Renewing Your Category 11 Certification

You can renew the Category 11 certification on your private license in the following ways:

  • In-person training: Attend an in-person private applicator training session, plus a commercial/noncommercial recertification training session that offers Category 11 (no extra cost to attend the commercial/noncommercial session).
  • Online training: Complete the online private applicator training program, plus the extra Category 11 training module (no extra cost).
  • Retake and pass the category exam (see above). Please note that if you choose this option, you must also complete in-person or online private applicator training to renew your standard private certification.

You may not combine in-person and online training; please select one or the other.

Aerial pesticide application certification (aircraft and drones)

To apply RUPs from an aircraft or drone, you must become licensed as a commercial or noncommercial applicator with certification in both General Standards (00) and the Aerial Pest Control (12) category.

The FAA and NDA have additional requirements for applying agrichemicals aerially, including the NDA's Aerial Pesticide Business License.

More Information:

Check your pesticide license status

Find your license number, expiration date, and any category endorsements.

Additional Applicator Resources

Other Pesticide-Related Training: Information on product-specific training requirements and Worker Protection Standard (WPS) worker and handler training.

Reciprocal Certification with Nebraska: Persons who live outside of Nebraska may obtain a license from the NDA if they hold valid credentials from a state, agency, or tribe with which the NDA has a reciprocal agreement.

Applicator Certification Plan in Indian Country: The U.S. EPA certifies private and commercial applicators to legally apply restricted-use pesticides in Indian Country.

Math for Pesticide Applicators: It's never a bad time to brush up on your pesticide math, especially if you are preparing for an applicator certification exam. These resources are meant to help.

Private Applicator Recordkeeping Resources: A collection of forms and information to help private applicators track their farm operations, keep their employees safe, and comply with federal regulations.

Pesticide Product Search: Database of pesticide products registered by the NDA for use in Nebraska. Search by product name, EPA Reg. No., active ingredient, approved site, pest controlled, etc.